2 Thesis implementation methods and results
A thesis can be prepared as a part of a larger research or development project. Theses are principal tools in the development of working and business life and regional well-being and innovation activities, and in the creation of entrepreneurship based on new competence.
The components of the thesis are structured differently according to the thesis model
- Research and development work is understood as systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge and use it to devise applications based on well-researched knowledge.
- Applied research refers to research that uses well-researched knowledge to build a practical application.
- Development work refers to the use of new information that is generated by research and/or practical experience to achieve new products, services, production processes or methods or to improve existing ones.
- Innovation activities refer to all the activities that aim to produce new or improved products or processes, i.e. innovations and new entrepreneurship. Innovations include technical, social and cultural innovations, business innovations, design innovations, product or service innovations or any combinations of the above.
Consult the theses previously prepared at Jamk!
Theseus provide online access to the theses and publications of Finnish universities of applied sciences. A thesis that is completely identical to an existing one cannot be written, but a new the-sis can be written on the same topic by changing the point of view, commissioner, research problem, etc.
Progress of the Bachelor’s Thesis Project in Wihi (PDF)
Progress of the Master’s Thesis Project in Wihi (PDF)