Continuous learning and academic cooperation

How we integrate learning and academic cooperation into curriculum work

  • We recognise competences that are necessary and in demand in the workforce.
  • We identify Jamk’s networks and the opportunities and supply channels they offer.
  • We intensify our collaboration in different networks (e.g. joint implementations, joint planning, exchanges).
  • Our curricula contain study modules and contents that we also use for providing continuous learning and cross-institutional studies.
  • We build content for continuous learning in connection with the planning of courses.
  • We acknowledge different target groups and transitions between levels of education.
  • We are mindful of the concepts, operating methods, rules and quality criteria of different networks.
  • We enable and encourage students to do cross-institutional studies, and accredit studies (inclusion or replacement) in accordance with Jamk’s principles.

Continuous learning and curriculum work

In addition to focusing on graduate programmes, important considerations in curriculum work include continuous learning and increased collaboration between higher education institutions. Due to the growing need for updated competence, continuous learning is becoming more and more emphasised in the educational task of higher education institutions. The objective of continuous learning is to especially respond to the competence needs arising from changes in business and industry and to serve the working-age population by offering opportunities for maintaining and updating competence.

In line with our strategy, the focus of continuous learning is on the small competence modules that tap into the activities of graduate programmes and RDI but are shorter and meet the competence needs of business and industry more quickly. This also promotes the renewal of learning work communities.

The study modules of curricula enable continuous learning, individual study paths, completing a degree or parts of one, and continuously updating competence. Study modules are also a useful structure for academic cooperation, for example by streamlining the practices of cross-institutional studies.

Cross-institutional studies and academic cooperation

The Ministry of Education and Culture is directing higher education institutions towards closer mutual cooperation. Academic cooperation increases flexible opportunities for studying and student mobility, and it improves the quality of education. Academic curricula cooperation encompasses the planning of education and the implementation of courses. Jamk cooperates with various educational institutions, higher education institutions and networks at the regional, national and international level.

EduFutura Jyväskylä is a centre of excellence for learning, research and development by the Jyväskylä municipal education consortium Gradia, Jamk University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jyväskylä. The EduFutura cooperation enables versatile cross-institutional studies and flexible career paths for students, allowing them to utilise the studies offered by partner educational institutions as part of the personal learning plan. The Edufutura curriculum work is coordinated by the EF curriculum team, which is also responsible for the content development of the EF study offering.

CampusOnline is a shared digital study offering portal for Finnish universities of applied sciences, bringing together online study offerings from all 24 of these institutions. CampusOnline is a study offering based on the freedom of choice; students can choose studies from other universities of applied sciences and include them in their degree free of charge. Higher education institutions decide on their respective CampusOnline offerings independently.

Digivisio 2030 is a joint project by all Finnish higher education institutions that is setting up a new learning ecosystem to intensify collaboration between higher education institutions and make their study offering available to all. The first output of Digivisio is a continuous and flexible offering of continuous learning. It is a digital service that brings the continuous learning offered by Finnish higher education institutions in one place. The new offering will be made available to all learners during the academic year 2024–2025.

Jamk participates in the E³UDRES² European University Alliance. European Universities are networks of higher education institutions in EU countries that develop high-quality education, research and innovation and increase mobility. E³UDRES² focuses on developing sustainable business, entrepreneurship and competitiveness in its operating area to promote the competence and global networking of the entire region.

Jamk and its fields of education also participate in other national and international networks for educational cooperation.

Paula Tyrväinen 27.1.2023