
A modular curriculum consists of study modules consisting of two or more courses. In Jamk, the recommended minimum scope of a study module is 15 ECTS credits. A study module only contains one type of studies: compulsory, optional or elective. It is a good idea to pay attention to the diversity of learning assignments, learning materials and evaluation within each study module. This ensures the attractiveness of the module and the meaningfulness of learning.

Modularity increases students’ ability to build more individual learning paths and to recognise their own competence and its development. This requires that the intended learning outcomes, competence levels and contents of different study modules are clearly described. Modularity also serves continuous learning. Those supplementing their competence find their competence development goals in the descriptions and may select the study modules they need. The descriptions of the study modules and courses must show the prerequisites that the student must know to be able to select and participate in the studies in question.

The modular curriculum’s study modules provide the student with a clearer understanding of their competence. The objective of the study modules is to produce more flexible study paths. This makes the structure of the studies clearer, helps the student to perceive broader entities and supports learning, insight and development into an expert. This also serves learning and reforming work communities.

Page 1: Competence-based approach
Page 3: Evaluation

Siru Lehto, Sirpa Tuomi 13.1.2023