Entrepreneurship and innovations

At Jamk Future Factory, student teams learn by working on and solving genuine development challenges from the world of work. In addition to transdisciplinary and working life-oriented project studies, Future Factory studies enable developing future employment skills, an entrepreneurial approach, personal career path and employment networks.

Future Factory module 15 cr (degrees in English 11 cr)


  1. Kestävän kehityksen perusteet / Basics of Sustainable Development 1 cr (MOOC)
  2. InnoFlash 2 cr
  3. Yrittäjyys / Entrepreneurship 3 cr
  4. Työelämäprojekti 9 cr / Working Life Project 5 cr

The Future Factory module is shared and compulsory for all Bachelor’s degree students.

There are 1200 to 2000 students taking the course each year. The Jamk Future Factory team is responsible for coordinating of the study module.

Elective entrepreneurship studies

In addition to the compulsory Future Factory studies, students can supplement their competence with elective entrepreneurship studies. Jamk works with the Startup Factory and EduFutura educational institutions to produce courses that support entrepreneurship. The elective entrepreneurship studies are available on the curricula page in Peppi.

Future Factory also conducts practical pedagogical research in the Jamk competence area of transformative learning. While students learn, Future Factory researches and develops new pedagogical solutions, such as using digitalisation to support students’ self-directed learning and guidance.

Materials to support curriculum work

Shared Entrepreneurship Studies For Bachelor’s and Master’s Student (Peppi, curricula)

Jamk Future Factory® (Elmo intranet, login required)

Jamk Future Factory® – Fuel for Creativity! (jamk.fi)

Review of the Development of Education 2021 – Creativity by the Discontinuities (theseus.fi, Finnish Publication)

EduFutura entrepreneurship studies (edufutura.fi)

The Startup Factory (yritystehdas.fi)

Leena Liimatainen ja Mari Hakkarainen 13.6.2023