Media library

The Media Library can be found in the left menu of the control panel under Media. Here you can manage all the site’s images and attachments and maintain the folder structure. The folder structure is only for the ease of image maintenance and does not affect the actual operation of the site. In the Media Library, you can edit the information of images. The information will update in all parts of the site where the image has been used. The details you can edit include alternative text (alt-text), title, and caption. Adding alternative text improves the site’s accessibility. The alternative text is displayed to the user when the image cannot be loaded for some reason. The alternative text should describe as accurately as possible what is presented in the image

Adding an image

You can add a new image either from the media library, by uploading it from your own computer, or with a URL link. Add an image in the same way you would add a new block, that is, with the ‘plus’ button and select the Image block. If you upload a new image from your own computer, it will be saved to the site’s media library. Remember to fill in the required information for the new image such as Title and Alternative text.

Add image with a image block

Adding a video

You can embed YouTube and Panopto videos on pages. For embedding YouTube videos, use the dedicated YouTube block. For other videos, use the ‘Upotus’ block

Videos should be embedded using iframe HTML coding. You can get this code, for example, from Panopto by going to the video sharing settings and selecting ‘Embed’. Copy the iframe HTML code into the designated field for embedding. Remember to also edit the video viewing permissions in Panopto. WordPress sites are public, so it’s good for the videos to be set to public as well, for example with the Public (unlisted) viewing permission. You can edit the viewing permission from the video sharing settings under the ‘Who can access this video’ section

Panopto video sharing settings

Remember to set coorect cookies to be allowed with embed video. Settings are available on block settings

In the embed block, you can specify which cookies need to be accepted for the video to be viewable. If the required cookies have not been accepted on the site, the user will receive a notification in place of the video and the opportunity to accept the cookies to watch the video. For Panopto embeds, only the ‘Preferences’ cookies are required in addition to the necessary cookies. With Youtube videos, also marketing cookies must be allowed.