Open Badge is the most widely used competence badge format globally. At Jamk University of Applied Sciences, we issue Open Badges. Competence badges can be used at the university of applied sciences for:
The recipient of an Open Badge can attach the badges to electronic portfolios and resumes, websites, social media services (e.g., LinkedIn), or even to personal information in the company intranet.
At JAMK, Open Badges have been issued since 2014. Badges are awarded according to a pre-agreed strategy, including for staff training, continuing education, MOOCs, and lifelong learning courses. We use the Open Badge Factory service for issuing competence badges. You need access rights to use the service. Badges can also be awarded directly through the Moodle learning environment.
Want to include Open Badges in your teaching or project work?
Mari Varonen coordinates the Open Badge activities at JAMK. She provides additional information, grants access rights to the Open Badge Factory, guides in badge design, and assists with visual design if needed.
Mari Varonen, Educational Development Services, JAMK University of Applied Sciences,