Windows ja Office activation

It is possible to activate Windows and Office from an external network by following the instructions below. The necessary programs must be available on the machine before activation, if this is not the case with your computer, please contact ICT Support.

  1. Start the Software Center on the Windows desktop
  2. Find and install a program called “Windows remote activation”
  3. Go to with your browser and log in with your own ID
  4. Accept the browser request to run the add-on (F5 Networks VPN)
  5. Accept the request to start the program “WinAndOfficeActivation.exe”
    • Program execution takes about 30-60 seconds
    • If the program does not start automatically, you can also start it from the start menu by typing WinAndOfficeActivation.exe in the search box.
  6. You will be notified of the remaining days of the program
    • The notification may also open on a separate browser window at the background!
    • Activation is successful if 180 more days are reported
  7. Click “Logout” link in the top right corner of the site
    • An open connection can block other services!