Recording a meeting

The teacher can record a Zoom meeting by clicking the Record button on the Zoom toolbar.

  1. You can save the recording to Zoom cloud by selecting Record to the Cloud or to your computer by choosing Record on this Computer.
  2. Starting from April 29, 2023, Zoom cloud recordings will be directly transferred to the Panopto video-sharing service. There will not be an email notification for cloud recordings, and the recorded file no longer needs to be manually transferred to Panopto.
  3. On the first cloud recording, a folder named Zoom Cloud Meeting Recordings is automatically created in the creator’s My Folder. Subsequent cloud recordings will be saved in this folder. The initial folder creation and processing of the recording may take as long as the duration of the recording, so please be patient. The recording starts to form only after the Zoom meeting is closed.
  4. If you wish to transfer the video file for sharing to some other service than Panopto, you can choose the recording option Record on this Computer.
  5. When saving to your computer, the default location is your Documents directory.
  6. Note that when saving to your computer, your computer must remain open after the meeting until Zoom finishes processing the video file. This process may take almost as long as the recording duration.

Note: See the separate instructions on moving the Zoom recording to Panopto and sharing the recording link to Moodle