Web pages and homesites

Methods to publish websites

To publish web pages, there are several methods.

  1. If the material is open and it is targeted to particular course-> https://help.jamk.fi/
  2. If the material is not open and is targeted to particular course-> https://moodle.jamk.fi
  3. If the material is personal and open -> Please see “How to publish personal web pages” below

How to publish personal web pages

You can publish personal web pages using your homedrive (H:) :

  • Check to see that at the root of your homefolder (“H-drive”) there is a folder called “public.www” that is created automatically. If that folder is missing, please contact Helpdesk and ask to create folder structure for personal homesite.
  • If and when public.www -folder is available and it has correct trustees configured to it, you can create either index.htm or index.html -file inside it to be used as a front page to your site.
  • After site has been created, you can access it with address https://homes.jamk.fi/~username. Please notice that all files inside public.www -folder will be public to whole internet.