10.5 Accepting a phase and study attainments

The student must create and complete the tasks related to each phase. The assignments can be found in the student’s thesis guide. The thesis tutor approves the phase in Wihi when all tasks related to the phase have been completed. See more detailed instructions on the Phase approval and study attainments page.

Phase accepting is done clicking Accept phase button (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Phase accepting

When you accept the phase, a study attainment for the student’s thesis course is transferred to Peppi as follows:

  • Thesis 1/3 > Bachelor’s Thesis, Planning (3 cr) or Master’s Thesis, Planning (7 cr)
  • Thesis 2/3 > Bachelor’s Thesis, Implementation (6 cr) or Master’s Thesis, Implementation (10 cr)
  • Thesis 3/3 > Bachelor’s Thesis, Reporting and Assessment (4 cr) or Master’s Thesis, Reporting (10 cr)

See the instructions for approving phase 3/3 on the Thesis assessment and assessment form page.

If you have a need to skip transferring the study attainment, you can do so by checking the box Don’t create accomplishment to student registry (Figure 2).

NOTE: In this case, the tutor must manually enter the study attainments into Peppi.

In connection with the approval of thesis phase 1/3, you must enter the R&D credits for the thesis, which will also be transferred to Peppi (Figure 2). If the thesis has been made for a project, the entire number of thesis credits is recorded as a R&D credits (15 ECTS credits or 30 ECTS credits). Otherwise 0 ECTS credits.

Figure 2. Phase accepting and entering R&D credits

NOTE: After the phase is approved, the tasks left open are displayed in Wihi on the student’s desktop in the same place as in the previous phase.

Opening the phase

The coordinator can open the phases that have already been accepted: 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3 (opening the assessment). This is also possible in that case there are comments, activity notes or tasks in the next phase. Comments and tasks move to a phase that is being opening.

NOTE: Opening a phase does not delete study attainments or grades that have already been transferred to Peppi.


Student’s thesis project and tasks (Thesis guide for students)

Thesis assessment and assessment form