10.2 Approving as a tutor for a thesis project

Once the student has submitted a topic proposal in Wihi, and the coordinator has approved it and added you as a thesis tutor for the thesis, you will receive a notification on the Wihi homepage and by email.

NOTE. You will only see a comment written by the coordinator on Wihi.

On the Wihi front page you can see the topic proposals awaiting your decision. The front page also shows you the theses you are already guiding (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Thesis tutor’s front page

To accept or reject a thesis guidance request, go to the Topic proposals tab (Figure 2). You can view the topic proposal from the thesis title link.

Figure 2. Accepting the thesis for guidance

If you reject a thesis guidance request, it will be returned for reconsideration by the coordinator.

Accepting a thesis for guidance opens up the thesis project phases and tools in Wihi, for both the student and the tutor (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Thesis tutor’s project area

The right side of the initial view shows the student’s information, thesis information (topic proposal and planned schedule), and information on a potential company and statements by interest groups.

The different phases of the thesis and their respective status and planned completion dates can be seen at the top of the view (after project plan has been done). The approved phases are shown in orange, the unfilled orange icon indicates the current phase, and the grey icons show the next phases.

The tools available to tutors in the different project phases are found in the middle of the initial view. These tools are the same for each phase.