Jamk Exam

Flexible exams at Jamk

EXAM in short

EXAM allows students a flexible way of taking an exam, which means that the student can take the test at a time that suits them in the Examstudio of their choice or as a BYOD exam (Bring Your Own Device). EXAM exam means a test is performed on a computer (e.g. exam, maturity test, weekly assignment). Exams taken at Examstudios are video-supervised.


There are three Examstudios at Jamk, all of them located in Jyväskylä:

  1. Main Campus: B-wing, room BP16
  2. Main Campus: library, room GP06
  3. Lutakko: Dynamo building, room D207 (2nd floor)

Examstudios are open during campus opening hours. Read more about the Examstudios.


EXAM rules of usage

  1. It is forbidden to bring your own goods. You may not bring e.g. an overcoat, water bottle, snacks, backpacks, pencil cases, smart watches or cell phones (also not in your pocket).
  2. Leave all your belongings and outerwear in the locker next to the Examstudio door. Check the number of your computer and use the locker with the same number to store your belongings.
  3. You must be able to prove your identity with an identity card or student card when asked.
  4. Examstudio’s doors always open at half past five and close at half past ten during the studio’s opening hours. You cannot enter Examstudio at other times. If you leave Examstudio in the middle of an exam, you may not return to the same exam.
  5. In technical problem situations (e.g. the computer does not start, the screen is dark), follow the instructions found in Examstudio.

NOTE! Violation or non-observance of even one rule of use may lead to rejection of the exam submission.

If you need to take another university’s exam in Jamk’s Examstudio, or Jamk’s exam in another university’s EXAM space, it is an exam visit. There are separate instructions on visiting the exam in the teacher’s and student’s instructions.

Good luck on the exam!