EXAM visit in another university

Instructions for Jamk’s student

EXAM visit means that you can take your own university’s exam in another university’s exam room. Universities that have joined the EXAM Visit may be found in EXAM-application when booking an exam time.

Student of Jamk, follow the instructions below if you wish to take your exam at some other university:

1. First, find out whether it is possible for you to take your exam at another university’s exam room. The set-up of exam computers at different universities vary, like the equipment of the exam rooms (ect. scribbling papers). The exam computers of another university may not necessarily include all the programs that you need in your exam. Also find out about the location of the exam facilities of the target university, opening hours, access rights and EXAM rules of use. You can find university-specific instructions on the website of the EXAM consortium: https://e-exam.fi/in-english/.

2. Make an exam time reservation to another university’s exam room by signing in to EXAM-application using your Jamk user ID and password. EXAM-application’s web address: https://exam.jamk.fi.

3. After you have registered for the exam, choose Exam room reservation from external institution in the Reservation information page. A drop down menu Organization is displayed.

4. Choose the university of your choice.

5. After choosing the university, select the exam room. You will see a reservation calendar from which you can choose an exam time that suits you. Finally, Confirm exam time.

NOTICE! If you can’t take the exam, cancel your exam appointment!