What is my username?

All students and staff members needs a personal username and password to log in to Jamk network and desktops.

Usernames are formatted like this:

  • Staff: firstname.lastname@jamk.fi
  • Students: username@student.jamk.fi
  • External staff users: firstname.lastname@external.jamk.fi

Some older services might require users to log in with short username. If you are a staff member, then your username has been automatically created from first letters of your name. Student short usernames are the same as email, but without domain. External account short names usually start with ext -prefix.

Account is created automatically, but password for it must be set by user.

You can check your username and change its password with your Finnish online bank account ID using Self service password reset:

  1. Go to: tunnistus.jamk.fi
  2. Select your bank
  3. Log in with your personal online bank account number/pin
  4. Check that all information is correct
  5. Service lists all accounts you have on Jamk.

If you do not have a suitable online bank ID or there are some other problems using service, please contact student services (students) or Helpdesk (staff). Prepare to prove your identity.


Some account types require users to change password from time to time. If password is not changed after system has requested it, account may lock automatically. To prevent problems, please make sure your password is unique and long and complex enough, and also change your password often.