4.2.4 Research Implementation

The stages of the implementation of the author’s own research, including argumentation, must be accurately reported. By reporting on the implementation, a clear picture is given of the research task and of the process through which the author sought to reach the goal of the research. Based on his/her account of the research implementation, the reader is able to judge the validity of the research.

The report presents the purpose of the thesis, the author’s approach to the research, the data collection methods, the material used, as well as the manner in which it was used. It defines the target group or subject of the research and assesses the reliability of the findings. Any potential ethical statements are expressed along with their justifications.

Outcomes of the research

The most important part of the report is the presentation of outcomes. Results and findings are not published in the same way, but both of them strive to present solutions to the research task. The outcomes can be analysed in many ways; for example, according to the research problem. The format of the report and the type of study undertaken work together to determine how the outcomes are presented. When presenting outcomes, one must always consider the goal of the thesis.

The outcomes must be presented so that it is easily apparent to the reader which of the research outcomes are of the most importance. The outcomes should be divided logically into groups, with particular attention given to those having the most relevance to the problems. Transparency is extremely important in the presentation of research outcomes. All questions raised must be duly addressed, regardless of whether or not an answer was found. The presentation of outcomes should be truthful, logical, and clear. Conclusions based on findings can be presented in connection with the results.