
The references listed here are for the sources cited elsewhere in the Project Reporting Instructions. For instructions concerning in-text citations and references, see Chapter 5. Use of Sources.

Alasuutari, P. (1999). Laadullinen tutkimus [Qualitative research] (3rd ed.). Vastapaino.

American Psychological Association. (2022, July). Active and passive voice. APA Style blog.

Hakala, J.T. (2004). Opinnäyteopas ammattikorkeakouluille [Thesis guide for universities of applied sciences]. Gaudeamus.

Hendriks, R. (2013). Perceptions of facility management in Europe: A survey of Finland, Germany and the UK. [Bachelor’s thesis, Jamk University of Applied Sciences]. Theseus.

Hirsjärvi, S., Remes, P., & Sajavaara, P. (2009). Tutki ja kirjoita [Research and write] (15th ed.). Tammi.

Kananen, J. (2008). Kvantti: Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus alusta loppuun [Quantitative analysis from A to Z]. Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

Kananen, J. (2015). Opinnäytetyön kirjoittajan opas: Näin kirjoitan opinnäytetyön tai pro gradun alusta loppuun [Thesis writer’s guide: This is how I write a bachelor’s or master’s thesis from start to finish]. Jamk University of Applied Sciences.