Preparing written assignments at Jamk University of Applied Sciences

Written assignments constitute a large part of students’ work in a university of applied sciences. The instructions presented on these pages are intended to guide students in the process of preparing written assignments at Jamk University of Applied Sciences. The use of these instructions is not limited to the writing of a bachelor’s or master’s thesis, but rather are intended to serve as an integral part of students’ work throughout their entire course of study.

Project Reporting Instructions from PDF format (2010) to online publication in 2014

The instructions contained on these pages apply to students of Jamk’s various English-language degree programs beginning their studies or preparing their bachelor’s or master’s thesis in 2013 or afterwards. Students not falling into these categories, but enrolled in any of Jamk’s English-language degree programs, may also elect to take these online instructions into use in lieu of the older (2010) PDF-based Project Reporting Instructions. To avoid any potential confusion regarding whether a student is to use these English instructions or their Finnish equivalent, Raportointiohje, Jamk’s policy on this matter is that the English instructions apply to written reports prepared for degree programs conducted in English, and the Finnish instructions apply to written reports prepared for degree programs conducted in Finnish.

One of the most noteworthy changes in the new Project Reporting Instructions relates to the appearance of chapter and subchapter titles: upper case text is now replaced with title case text. The examples presented and the instructions given have been conceived specifically for use in an international academic environment where English is used as the primary language of study. Regardless of whether the reader (or user) of these instructions has previous experience with an older version of Jamk’s Project Reporting Instructions—or with any other style manual, for that matter—it is strongly advised that an in-depth study of the contents be undertaken before taking them into use.

Current status of Project Reporting Instructions

This work, Project Reporting Instructions, is a derivative of Raportointiohje [Reporting Instructions] by Liukko, S., & Perttula, S. Project Reporting Instructions is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA by Jason E. Stevens & Steven L. Crawford.

This site was last modified in September 2020.