1.3 Thesis assessment criteria
Thesis assessment criteria
A written thesis is evaluated on the scale of 0–5, based on Jamk’s common assessment criteria with weightings. Thesis assessment is based on both the process and the output. The assessment targets (2023) include the topic, knowledge base, implementation, results and discussion, and reporting.
The new assessment targets (2024) include the topic (selection, delineation and objectives), research-oriented approach (sources, data, knowledge base and methods), work implementation (reliability, ethics, process management), results (presentation of results and conclusion and their usability) and reporting (written, presentation, compliance with the reporting instructions).
Have a look at the assessment criteria right at the beginning of your thesis project!
As of 1 August 2024, new assessment criteria (2024) are used for all theses starting after 1 August 2024 and for all theses that have not progressed beyond the subject proposal or if the student and the principal thesis tutor agree on their use in the evaluation of the thesis.
On 1 January 2025, the new assessment criteria (2024) will be used for all theses.
Thesis assessment criteria in the bachelor’s degree 2024 (PDF)
Thesis assessment criteria in the master’s degree 2024 (PDF)