4.4 Thesis plan – Phase 1 (One third of thesis completed)

This phase relates to the following courses:

  • Bachelor’s Thesis, Planning, 3 cr ZZ00BL91
  • Master’s Thesis, Planning, 7 cr YZ00BL94

Create and complete the following tasks in Wihi

  • Review the reporting instructions and assessment criteria.
  • Read through the information on good scientific practice and ethical practices, data protection and copyright.
  • Draw up with the commissioner an agreement on the thesis, accompanied if necessary by a non-disclosure agreement for the attached source material.
  • Familiarise yourself with how to handle the research data. Draw up the data management plan.
  • Find out if you need a research permit and make an application if necessary.
  • Draw up the thesis plan and its appendices using the ‘other reporting’ template and request comments from the thesis tutor in Wihi.
    The principal thesis tutor then approves your thesis plan in Wihi.
  • Present your thesis plan in the thesis seminar or the small group arranged by your principal thesis tutor.
  • Participate the Information Seeking for Thesis Writers course and related tasks in Moodle.
  • For the theory basis of the thesis, write 3–5 pages.
  • Select and register for ‘Thesis writing, Bachelor’s degree’ (2 cr) or ‘Research writing, Master’s degree’ (3 cr), choosing the course offered by the Language Centre that fits best with your thesis writing schedule.
  • Participate in the individual guidance.

The thesis tutor approves the phase in Wihi when all the related tasks have been completed. You will see the approval of the phase in Wihi as Approved for the phase in question. At the same time, the next phase of the thesis opens up for you.

Note: throughout the thesis process, use Wihi comments field, not e-mail, for communicating with the principal thesis tutor. The tutor will be notified by e-mail of the message you sent in Wihi.

The pages below (4.4.1 – 4.4.7) describe these tasks in more detail. Take time to read through the instructions.