1.1 Bachelor’s thesis
The objective of the thesis included as part of the bachelor’s degree is to develop and demonstrate the student’s capability to apply knowledge and skills through a practical specialist assignment. The bachelor’s thesis must be related to the student’s degree programme and personal learning plan.
In bachelor’s studies, the thesis is a specialist assignment that is normally carried out in cooperation with working life. The thesis must solve problems arising from the needs of working life.
The thesis can be
- a working life based specialist assignment, project or production related to your practical specialisation field
- a working life based literature review.
The thesis topic idea and the assignment must arise from the need of working life and it is primarily done as an assignment from working life or a project. The thesis can also be integrated with practical training. The thesis can also be done in the form of a pair or small group assignment, or in a multidisciplinary fashion between students from one or several degree programmes.
The length of a bachelor’s thesis is 25 to 50 pages on average, excluding appendices.
In the bachelor’s thesis, the student
- develops and demonstrates capabilities to apply their knowledge and skills in a research and development assignment related to professional studies that arises from the needs of working life;
- learns to create a knowledge base that is based on sources and to report the results;
- learns to assess the results and present development proposals;
- is also able to assume responsibility for the group’s learning and sharing of the lessons learned.
The scope of the bachelor’s thesis is 15 ECTS credits, and the thesis project consists of the following courses:
- Research and Development (5 cr) – ZZ00CK89. A course that supports your thesis and starts the thesis project. Prepare a topic proposal for the thesis.
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Planning (3 cr) – ZZ00BL91
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Thesis Writing (2 cr) – ZZ00BL97 (a course offered by the Language Centre that is part of the thesis)
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Implementation (6 cr) – ZZ00BL92
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Reporting and Assessment (4 cr) – ZZ00BL93
- Maturity Test, Bachelor’s Degree (0 cr) – ZZOA0220
Progress of the Bachelor’s Thesis Project
All theses are done and projected in Wihi. For example, it is not possible to archive the thesis outside of Wihi. The assessment of the thesis is also done in Wihi and transferred from there to Peppi.
Copy to Wihi service the tasks of different phases of the project and do them.
- Enrol in the course implementation that has been planned for your own group and complete a course that supports your thesis.
- Update your PLP in Peppi: Add the thesis courses (4 units) and the maturity test course to the PLP. This concerns students starting their studies in the autumn 2021 and before.
- Prepare a thesis topic proposal for Wihi: wihi.jamk.fi and submit it for approval. A coordinator will appoint a principal thesis tutor for your thesis in Wihi.
- Create the phases and schedule the entire thesis process in Wihi. In Wihi, the phase names are: Project plan, Phase 1: One third of thesis completed, Phase 2: Two thirds of thesis completed and Phase 3: Thesis ready for assessment.
- Agree on the first guidance meeting with your principal thesis tutor in accordance with the rules for your degree programme.
NB: throughout the thesis process, use Wihi’s comments field, not e-mail, for communicating with the principal thesis tutor. The tutor will be notified by e-mail of the message you sent in Wihi.
- Review the reporting instructions and assessment criteria.
- Read through the information on good scientific practice and ethical practices, data protection and copyright.
- Draw up with the commissioner an agreement on the thesis, accompanied if necessary by a non-disclosure agreement for the attached source material.
- Familiarise yourself with how to handle the research data. Draw up the data management plan.
- Find out if you need a research permit and make an application if necessary.
- Participate the Information Seeking for Thesis Writers course and related tasks in Moodle.
- Draw up the thesis plan and its appendices and request comments from the thesis tutor in Wihi.
- The principal thesis tutor then approves your thesis plan in Wihi
- Present your thesis plan in the thesis seminar or the small group arranged by your principal thesis tutor.
- For the theory basis of the thesis, write 3–5 pages.
- Select and register for ‘Thesis writing, Bachelor’s degree’ (2 cr), choosing the course offered by the Language Centre that fits best with your thesis writing schedule.
- Participate in the individual guidance.
- Before participating in the course, you should familiarise yourself with your source material and write the 3–5 pages theory basis for your thesis.
- Complete the theory basis for the thesis and the methodology description.
- Present your methodology description in the seminar or the small group arranged by your principal thesis tutor.
- Carry out the practical implementation of the thesis according to your plan.
- If necessary, make an appointment with the Language Centre clinic for problems with the thesis writing.
- Participate in the individual guidance.
- Write up your thesis.
- If necessary, check your thesis the text similarity in Moodle with a course called ‘Turnitin tarkastus – Turnitin check’.
- Agree with your principal thesis tutor in Wihi on the preliminary examination of the first draft of your thesis.
- A 2nd examiner will be selected for your thesis in Wihi.
- If necessary, make an appointment from Language Centre for language maintenance of the description page.
- Agree with the principal thesis tutor on writing the maturity test (see 5 Maturity test).
- Return your completed thesis to Wihi in Plagiarism Check field for assessment.
The field is connected to Turnitin plagiarism prevention service. - Present your thesis in accordance with the instructions for your degree programme.
- Return the self-assessment and commissioner statement to Wihi.
- The principal thesis tutor and 2nd examiner assess the thesis and approve the phase 3 once all tasks have been completed.
- Publish your thesis in Theseus. Wait for permission from the thesis tutor!
- Upload the thesis permanent link to Wihi.
- After this, the tutor approves the thesis assessment phase in Wihi. You can then see the assessment.
NB: Even if your thesis has not yet been accepted into the Theseus collection at the time of saving, it does not prevent you from applying for a degree certificate.
Download the PDF file containing the progress of the bachelor’s thesis project, you can find it in the Documents section.
Progress of the Bachelor’s Thesis Project in Wihi (PDF)
As of 1 August 2024, new assessment criteria (2024) are used for all theses starting after 1 August 2024 and for all theses that have not progressed beyond the subject proposal or if the student and the principal thesis tutor agree on their use in the evaluation of the thesis.
On 1 January 2025, the new assessment criteria (2024) will be used for all theses.
Thesis assessment criteria in the bachelor’s degree 2024 (PDF)
Thesis assessment criteria in the bachelor’s degree with weightings 2023 (PDF)
Descriptions of the Bachelor's thesis courses
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Planning 3 cr – ZZ00BL91 (Curriculum, Peppi)
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Thesis Writing 2 cr – ZZ00BL97 (Curriculum, Peppi)
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Implementation 6 cr – ZZ00BL92 (Curriculum, Peppi)
- Bachelor’s Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4 cr – ZZ00BL93 (Curriculum, Peppi)
- Maturity Test, Bachelor’s Degree 0 cr – ZZOA0220 (Curriculum, Peppi)