8.5 Return the Thesis
Return your thesis in PDF format in Wihi for the Plagiarism Check. The file must be named according to the naming convention, see below.
More details on the plagiarism check are in the project reporting instructions.
In addition, return the other documents in pdf-format to Wihi (Files -area). Name the files according to the naming convention.
NB: Ask separately permission to publish your thesis in the Theseus. Do this only after the advisor has graded your work.
Documents to be submitted
Submit the documents to Wihi in pdf format. The file names must be according to the naming convention, see below.
- the actual thesis
- self-assessment
If the thesis has a client (commissioner), submit also
- thesis agreement and possibly a thesis confidentiality agreement (see chapter 3)
- client’s feedback (see section 4.7.5)
Naming convention
Return your thesis, complete with appendices, and all the evaluation forms in PDF format.
The file must be named as follows:.
Selfassessment_Lastname_Firstname_groupcode_Lastname_Firstname_groupcode.pdf (if the thesis has two authors)
A theses that contains confidential appendices
If your thesis has confidential attachments, submit the complete version, with the confidential parts, to Wihi in the ‘Confidential files’ area. Your advisor opens this area for you. (Figure 1) . In addition, submit the public version of the thesis (without confidential attachments) to the Wihi Plagiarism Check.

- Plagiarism prevention (Project reporting instructions)
- Thesis Work Groups (Elmo intranet)
- Degree Regulations (For Students pages)
- 4.4.1 Thesis assessment criteria
- 4.4.4 Agreements
- 4.7.5 Statement of the working life tutor
- The Board of Examiners (For Students pages)
- Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014) (Finlex)