Study Attainments
Apart from you PLP, you may examine your progress in Study Attainments of Studies menu. You can end up to this service also by clicking the icon Transcript of records in the Home page. You may choose among a few filtering options to have a better view responding your requirements.
You will see your study attainments that are connected to your current study entitlement. If you have more than one operative study entitlement, you can change the study entitlement to see your other study attainments.

Click the infobox icon (question mark on a blue sphere), and you have access to the explanations of the icons appearing in front of every course. By placing the mouse on an icon, the explanation also appears in a pop-up window.

You may filter your attainments either by the status of courses or by your scheduling. Open or close the filtering menu by clicking Filter list.

From the Status drop-down menu, you may choose either the Entire study plan or Completed, Partly completed or Failed courses. In addition to this, you may choose one or multiple academic years, semesters and/or periods.