eRPL Accreditation

If you are making an application for pre-accreditation e.g. cross-study of compulsory studies, see the instructions on the Application for pre-accreditation page.

You can apply for the accreditation of previously completed higher education studies or for the recognition of competence acquired in other ways (RPL) in Peppi.

Make a separate application for each accreditation case.

Note. You can apply for accreditation with the competence you have acquired in the course only once. For example, if you have completed 5 ECTS course and received accreditation for Jamk’s 5 ECTS course, you cannot apply for accreditation elsewhere with the same course. If instead of a 5 ECTS, a course is only partially accepted, e.g. 2 ECTS, you can apply for accreditation with the remaining part, i.e. 3 ECTS elsewhere.

If you act contrary to the instructions, you are guilty of dishonesty and applications can be rejected afterwards.

Start here: Always start eRPL by having a guidance discussion with, for example, a career tutor. Then fill in the application in Peppi, where you should first add the information for the guidance discussion.

More detailed instructions are available in the video below.

After adding the information for the guidance discussion, proceed with the application depending on whether you are applying for a replacement or inclusion and whether the accreditation applies to one course or a broader study module. If you are unsure, you can ask the person with whom you had the guidance discussion.

Replacement of an individual course and a study module of less than 30 credits

When you apply for accreditation for the compulsory studies in your degree this is called replacement. You can apply for replacement with individual studies or study modules of less than 30 credits.

Send the application to the person responsible for the course. The information is available on the Curricula website.

Inclusion of an individual course and a study module of more than 30 credits

Inclusion is when you apply for accreditation for the degreeā€™s alternative or elective studies and, when applying for accreditation, for study modules that comprise more than 30 credits.

For courses, the application is processed by the teacher in charge of the course while in the case of modules of more than 30 credits it is processed by the person in charge of the degree programme, who is usually the degree coordinator.

Inclusion of an individual course

Inclusion of the study module

Recognition of prior informal learning – inclusion

Only prior learning related to elective studies can be recognised through inclusion.

Recognition of prior informal learning – replacement

Replacement is used to apply for accreditation for compulsory basic and professional studies and optional professional studies.

Example: A student has been working on a project for the employer, and he/she has acquired competence in project work and methods and sustainable development themes. He/she applies for replacement with previously acquired competence for the Future Factory course (10 credits).