Classrooms bookings for students

Making a reservation

Students can reserve few classrooms in Main Campus and in Lutakko Campus from 3.3.2025 from Peppi. Classrooms are booked from Calendar button. You can also book classrooms via QR codes near doors and book rooms from Tuudo app.

Based on feedback and amount of reservations is checked if there should be more classrooms to book and change time.

You can reserve classrooms on weekdays from 8.00 am – 4.00 pm during academic year. During holidays you canĀ“t reserve rooms. Duration of the reservation can be 2 hours at most and you can reserve 6 hours at most in one week. You can make the reservation 5 days to the future.

Classrooms to reserve in Main Campus are located in C-wing, classrooms are C113, C114 and C127. On Lutakko Campus classrooms are D310 and D311. Doors to classrooms are open. You find the calendars of the rooms when you write the name of the rooms in the Room field.

Specific instructions how to reserve rooms are here