Accreditation of competences

Note: First, read the How to fill in an eRPL application instructions page and then continue filling in the application according to this page or the Accreditation of studies instructions.

When you have acquired prior learning in, for example, work or hobbies, the prior learning to be recognised must correspond to the learning outcomes set for the degree, study module and course so that you can apply for accreditation with it. A precondition for accreditation is that the acquired prior learning can be demonstrated by means of, for example, a written document, an interview, a video, a learning diary or a portfolio, etc.

Click ‘Add previously acquired competence’ to apply for accreditation.

According to the instructions below, select either replacement or inclusion as the type of accreditation for the application.

At Jamk, you can include prior informal learning in the elective studies of your degree. Select inclusion when the prior learning you have acquired does not correspond to the compulsory or optional studies in your degree. Select the degree coordinator or the person in charge of the degree programme as the handler of the application.

Replacement is applied for so-called compulsory or optional studies in your degree programme. As the handler of the application, select either the person responsible for the course to be replaced or a teacher in the study module team.

You can find these persons in your curriculum.

Previously completed competence

In the Previously completed competences section, select ‘Add competence.’

  • You can leave the Grade field blank if your prior learning has not been evaluated using the same criteria as in Jamk, that is, with a numeral 1–5 or pass / fail.
  • From the menu in the Places of performance section, select the place of performance that you added to the application in the previous step.
  • As the Assessment date, enter the date on which you ended the acquiring of the prior learning, for example, the date on your certificate of employment.
  • If you wish, justify why you are applying for recognition. In the Justifications field, you can also enter additional information about your prior learning.

If you have selected replacement as the type of accreditation, use your mouse to drag the studies that you want to replace from your PLP to the Studies selected to application window at the right side of your window.

If you have selected inclusion as the type of accreditation, place the studies to be included to your PLP by selecting the study module in which you want the studies to be placed from the menu. If you do not place the studies, they will go to studies outside the PLP. You can preview the placement of studies in your PLP by clicking the PLP preview button.

Once all the necessary information has been filled in, check the information you have provided in the application and submit the application by clicking Submit application at the top right of the front page of the application. After this, you will no longer be able to edit your application.

You will receive email about the different stages of processing your application. You can also follow the progress of the application in Peppi. You can see your application in the eRPL Accreditation view. You can also view your application by clicking the Actions button on the application line and selecting Show.


If you apply for accreditation for compulsory or optional studies (replacement), the decision of the approved application will be 'Requires demonstration of competence'. Also read the justification and the agreement on the application, so that you can find out whether the documents you have attached to the application are enough to get an accreditation or whether the teacher requires additional attainment. You can find the agreements in the Studies > Messages and contracts menu.