Planning and making teaching reservations

In Peppi, schedules are prepared using study unit implementations (courses). In annual planning, the implementations have different kinds of resources linked to them, and this pre-existing planning is directly utilised in schedule preparation. Teachers mark their suggestions for time and location in the implementations to serve as the basis for schedule preparation. Click here to read more about how to make suggestions for time and location.

Classroom bookings are first made in the Draft status. The schedules will then only be shown to those who prepared them. When you have made all the classroom bookings, you can use bulk edit to change their status to Suggestion to display them to teachers. When you change the status of the bookings to Published, they will also be shown to students.

1 Views for planning and making teaching reservations

The Plan and make teaching reservations basic view consists of sets of tabs, implementations (menus) and resources to be reserved (the items with a green background).

1.1 Tabs

Use these tabs to define from whose point of view you want to plan and make teaching reservations, i.e. from whose point of view you want to search for implementations. The procedure is the same on all tabs except that the way how the implementations are chosen varies depending on the tab.

  • On the My implementations tab, you will automatically find all your ongoing and future implementations. In addition, the tab displays a favourites list of implementations. Use the ‘Set resource groups and favourites’ feature in the main view to create new favourites lists.
  • On the Groups implementations tab, you can enter a group identifier to automatically populate the Select implementation drop-down menu with that group’s ongoing and future implementations for you to choose from. If suggestions of time and location have been chosen for the implementation, you can select them from the Select teaching wish menu.
  • On the Teachers implementations tab, you can enter a teacher’s name to automatically populate the Select implementation drop-down menu with that teacher’s ongoing and future implementations for you to choose from. If suggestions of time and location have been chosen for the implementation, you can select them from the Select teaching wish menu.
  • On the Implementations of curricula tab, you can carry out your planning based on curricula.

1.2 Select implementation

  • In this section, you select the implementation based on which the fields in section 2.3 will be populated. The procedure for selecting the implementation varies slightly depending on the tab you have chosen, but the basic idea is the same for all tabs: in the topmost field, you select the desired list, which can be your own saved list, for example, or the implementations of a certain group or teacher. If suggestions of time and location have been chosen for the implementation, you can select them from the Select teaching wish menu.
  • The implementations of the list you selected are now automatically populated in the lower drop-down menu. Select the implementation for which you want to make a reservation (calendar entry).
  • You can add implementations afterwards to a reservation you have already made.

1.3 Resources to be reserved

  • The resources of the implementation selected in the previous section are updated to the fields of this section (the green box). Examples of resources include the implementation, groups and teachers (persons).
  • In addition to the implementation details, you can also select a room and/or equipment.
  • The calendar view also updates with regard to these resources, meaning that you will see the calendars of all the resources in this section directly in the calendar. When you see a blank spot in the calendar, this means that all the resources have that time available in the calendar and you can make a reservation there.
  • Where applicable, you can reserve the room at a later stage using the reservation form.
  • NOTE! Click the cross next to a resource to delete additional resources when e.g. you are making a reservation for an implementation that has multiple teachers but you only want the reservation to pertain to one of these teachers.

Here, you can make use of your previously created favourites lists. Click here to read more about how to create favourites lists.

1.4 View settings

  • The view settings also include separate tabs from which you can choose the calendar view (the most commonly used), the timing view, or the list view. The timing and list views can be useful in certain situations, but the most commonly used view is the calendar view.
  • Use the arrow buttons to scroll the weeks forward and backwards.
  • Click the Settings button to adjust the size of the calendar view. If needed click the wheel.
  • Click Move to date to move to a specific date.
  • You can view the calendar in a day, week or month view.

1.5 Active date

Use this feature to set a default date for the calendar so that the calendar will always open in this view for that week even if you change the implementation. This feature is useful especially if you plan course timetables for the future starting from the date X, e.g. for a period that begins three months later.

To select an active time period, click the calendar icon and select the desired default date.

1.6 Calendar

In this section, you select a specific date and time when you want the reservation to be realised. To make the selection, click the calendar at the correct spot. A reservation form opens in which you check and change the details of the reservation where necessary before saving the reservation.