Searching for implementations

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Navigate to the implementation search
    • From the top menu of the Planner’s Desktop, select Year planning -> Implementations
  2. Search for implementations
    • You have a wide range of options available to search for implementations.
    • The default search criteria displays the search filtering of your current implementations.
    • Click the ‘Clear’ button to reset the default search filtering.
    • You can filter the default search by setting one or more search criteria, such as time, people, units, categories and status of the implementation.
    • All search fields are connected by AND, except for the fields ‘People’, ‘Responsible person’ and ‘Administrator’, which are connected by OR. If a search field is of the multi-value type i.e. several groups or people have been set in the search criteria, the values within the field (e.g. groups and people) are connected by OR.
    • You can search for implementations by code or part of the name by using the % character. For example, %marketing% returns all implementations that have the word marketing included somewhere in their name.
    • When you have set the search criteria, click ‘Search’. The search result is listed in alphabetical order according to the implementation codes.
    • You can sort the search results by implementation name, group, teacher, start or end date or status by clicking on the respective column title.
    • You can download the search results in an Excel file that shows all the information saved in the implementation plans.
    • The Toteutus voimassa time range filter returns all implementations in which at least one day occurs in the selected time range.
    • The Alkaa – Päättyy time range filter returns all implementations in which the start date is later than or equals the date entered in the ‘Alkaa’ field and the end date is earlier than or equals the date entered in the ‘Päättyy’ field.
    • When you have selected the desired search criteria, click ‘Search’.
    • Click the ‘Clear’ button to clear the previous search.
  3. Saving a search and deleting a saved search
    • To save a search, click ‘Save search’ and enter a name for the search in the modal window that appears. After saving, the searches can be selected from the left-hand side navigation.
    • The searches will be saved in the left-hand side of the ‘Implementations’ page under the ‘No group’ title in the ‘Saved searches’ section.
    • You can also save searches under your own title by typing in the ‘Anna haulle nimi‘ field a slash after the desired main heading, followed by the name of the search, e.g. Location/degree programme A
    • Click the implementation code or name to proceed to the implementation details from the list of search results.
    • A saved search saves any search criteria you define, i.e. the search result is always in real time.
    • To delete a saved search, click the triangle after the search name and select ‘Delete’.
  4. Search for own implementations
    • In the left-hand side navigation, click ‘My ongoing implementations’ / ‘My future implementations’ / ‘My old implementations’.
    • Click the implementation code or name to proceed to the implementation details from the list of search results.
  5. Search for saved implementations
    • In the left-hand side navigation, click the name of the search you have saved under ‘Saved searches’.
    • Click the implementation code or name to proceed to the implementation details from the list of search results.