Validation and approval

On the ‘Validation and approval’ tab, you can check which curriculum basic information has been appropriately entered. The system administration will have to first define the rules according to which the checking of basic information is carried out. Below is an example of the view (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Curriculum validation

The status bar at the top of the view shows the status of the curriculum: Draft –> Ready to be approved –> Approved –> Published. Each institute of higher education defines who is authorised to change the status.


NOTE: After the curriculum has been published, you will no longer be able to modify the curriculum structure, scheduling plan and classifications. If you need to edit these, ask your administrator to unpublish the curriculum. You can, however, edit courses by searching for the course to be edited using the course search.

Changing the curriculum status

When you change the status of the curriculum from draft to ready for approval, the party responsible for the approval may check the curriculum and approve it.

  1. From the top of the page, click Ready for approval. The system opens the Status changing pop-up window. If the basic information of the curriculum is incomplete, a message will be shown at the top of the window warning that the curriculum contains errors. If you want to complete the missing information before updating the status of the curriculum, click the grey square at the top-right corner of the window to close the Status changing pop-up window. Return back to the acceptance draft view, from which you can proceed to edit the curriculum.
  2. Where applicable, you can enter a comment on the approval draft in the Status changing pop-up window. The comment will be saved in the system.
  3. Click the Update button. The ‘Status changing’ pop-up window closes. The Ready to be approved item in the status bar changes to green, indicating that the status of the curriculum has been updated to ‘Ready to be approved’.
  4. To change the status of the curriculum to ‘Approved’ and ‘Published’, follow the same procedure. The publishing of curricula is carried out on a central basis at the Educational Development Services.

The centre part of the page displays a list of general and curriculum-specific rules according to which the curriculum details must be entered (see the ‘Rules’ tab). Rules can be used for purposes such as defining the filling out of certain fields as mandatory or recommended.

The bottom part of the page contains two buttons:

  1. Check the study units in the curriculum. This feature checks that the study units have been entered in accordance with the aforementioned rules.
  2. Create PDF. Use this feature to create a pdf file of the curriculum.