Implementation copying

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Select ‘Year planning’ -> ‘Implementations’ -> ‘Implementation copying’
  2. Select the academic year from which you want to copy the implementations.
  3. You can select either a) group-based or b) curriculum-based copying.
    1. Select the group whose implementations for a specific academic year you want to copy -> schedule the copies for the selected academic year -> set the number of copies.
    2. Select the curriculum whose implementations for a specific academic year you want to copy -> schedule the copies for the selected academic year -> select the curriculum for which you want to copy the implementations (by default, this is the same as the source curriculum)
  4. Select ‘Search’.
  5. The search results are returned in list/table format, and e.g. the following implementation details can be edited: code, name, min starts, max ends, starts, ends, enrolment starts, enrolment ends, groups, cost centres, responsible person, administrator, location, organisation unit, degree programme, min places, max places, study language, virtual credits, RDI credits.

    All of the implementations are selected by default. Where necessary, you can uncheck the boxes for the implementations that you do not want to copy.
  6. Return back to the previous page or proceed to task definition.
  7. When you proceed to task definition, you can specify the following information for the copied implementations:
    Code, Tasks, Teacher, Starts, Ends, Max, Teaching, Other, Cost centres

    The system proposes the information of the implementations used as the basis of the copies as basic information.
  8. Create the implementations and tasks.
  9. You can monitor the progress of the copying under the ‘Previous copies’ section (the section below ‘Implementation copying’ in the screenshot above) and edit the copied implementations under ‘Edit copied implementations’.
  10. In the ‘Mass edit’ section, you can make changes pertaining to all implementations in one go. In this view, you can change the columns displayed in the view (under ‘Set columns’) and make changes pertaining to the implementations in one go by selecting ‘Do bulk edit’. Note! When the implementations are copied, the system sets the same start and end dates in the next academic year for the copied implementations as those set for the original implementation.