Prior acquired other competence – inclusion

Prior acquired other competences can be accredited either by replacement or inclusion. Only competence related to elective studies can be accredited through inclusion. Others are accredited through Replacement.

Prior acquired competences by inclusion

Open the application from the ‘Actions’ drop-down menu on the right side of the application line. Select ‘Process’.

In order to process the application, the student must be attending or the student must have sent the application during his/her attendance period. The study attainment must always be recorded to the period which the student is attending. Therefore, if the student has sent his or her application during attendance period, but you do not process it until he or she is absent, you must record the study attainment of accreditation for the last day of the previous attendance period.

If the student has finished or completed his or her studies, you can reject the application with the Reject application button on the front page of the application.

Therefore, always check the student’s attendance data before processing the application. You can easily get the information by opening the student name link in the main window of the application. If there is the green symbol in the front of student’s name (see figure 1), the student is attending. Read more about the attendance data in the Peppi instructions.

Figure 1. Student’s attendance data

Always read the application submitted by the student carefully. Please read the appendix to the application, in which the student proves their acquired competence. Also check any previous applications and the completed studies of the student so that the same competence is not accredited twice.

In the application window, under the heading Studies and Decisions, you can see the competence with which the student applies for the inclusion. You can find accreditation tools on the right.

On the left side of the window, you can also see the planned location of the studies in the personal learning plan (the location selected by the student). Check that elective studies are selected as the location.

If all the applications are in order and you are ready to make the accreditation, click ‘Go Directly to Decision-Making’ on the ‘Process’ tab (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Studies and decisions section in application

Now you can make the actual decision, which can be:

  • Approve completely
  • Partially approved
  • Approved, but competence must be demonstrated
  • Reject

Note: As a rule, the “approved completely” decision is used in inclusion cases.

Note: In order for the decision to be ‘approve completely’, the student must have completed both a description of their competence and an hourly calculation, which clarifies how many credits the competence in question can substitute for (1 credit = 27 hours of the student’s work). The competence must be at the level of a Bachelor’s or a Master’s Degree.

Enter the information below on the Process tab (Figure 3):

  • decision
  • message to student (justification for the accreditation)
  • recorder (enter your information here)
  • you can choose to make notes that are only visible to you in the ‘Message to registrar’ field.

Finally, click ‘Save’.

Figure 3. Recording information related to the decision

The next step in recording accreditation is to select the keywords that best describe the competence in the application from the ‘Hakemuksen asiasanat’ window (Figure 4). Note: The window is only in Finnish. You can select more than one keyword. You can also filter the keyword list by first typing your field of study in the ‘Ohjauksen ala’ field to see only the keywords related to your field. Note: In this case, you cannot find so-called general keywords. Keywords gather applications in an accreditation bank, where you can search for accreditations already made using keywords. See instructions regarding the accreditation bank in the section ‘Accreditation Bank’.

Figure 4. Adding keywords to the application

Click ‘Tallenna asiasanat ja päätös’ to move forward. Now you go to enter the accreditation in Peppi.

Approval of the application in such a way that the competence must be demonstrated

Partial accreditation and approval of the application provided that the competence is demonstrated requires an agreement to be drawn up.

The agreement is made on the Agreements tab of the processing of the application before the decision is made. Enter what the student must do to have the entire course approved in the ‘Description of the New Agreement’ field (figure 5). Finally, click ‘Add new agreement’. Check the information on the agreement. In this section, you can, for example, share the information on the agreement with another teacher by adding them in the ‘Other Teachers’ field. Click ‘Save’ to approve the agreement. Then continue processing the application on the ‘Process’ tab.

Figure 5. Drafting of the agreement in accreditation

Click ‘Go Directly to Decision-Making’ on the ‘Process’ tab.

Enter the information below on the Process tab:

  • decision
  • message to student (justification for the accreditation)
  • registrar (enter your information here)
  • you can choose to make notes that are only visible to you in the ‘Message to registrar’ field.

The next step in recording accreditation is to select the keywords that best describe the competence in the application from the ‘Hakemuksen asiasanat’ window (Figure 4). Note: The window is only in Finnish. You can select more than one keyword. You can also filter the keyword list by first typing your field of study in the ‘Ohjauksen ala’ field to see only the keywords related to your field. Note: In this case, you cannot find so-called general keywords. Keywords gather applications in an accreditation bank, where you can search for accreditations already made using keywords. See instructions regarding the accreditation bank in the section ‘Accreditation Bank’.

Click ‘Tallenna asiasanat ja päätös’ to move forward.

If your decision is ‘Approved, but competence must be demonstrated’ or ‘Partially approved’, you will move on to recording the accreditation in Peppi. Click ‘Credit transfer‘ button (Figure 6).

Note. Please require the student to demonstrate his/her competence or complete the competence before recording the credit, because the recording transfers the study attainment to the student’s transcript of records.

Figure 6. Decision “Requires demonstration of competence”