Curriculum glossary

Study unit

A study unit (course) is the basic element of a curriculum. A study unit must have an extent, learning objectives, content and grading scale and criteria. A study unit implementation can be divided into parts (= partial completions). These parts can be assessed separately, in which case the overall grade for the study unit is calculated from the grades awarded for the parts.

One study unit can belong to multiple curricula at the same time. Any changes made to a study unit will affect all the curricula and study modules in which the study unit concerned is used.

Study module

A study module is an element that may contain study units or other study modules. The optionality of the study unit content must be defined separately; this can be done e.g. by making all the units within the module mandatory or, alternatively, by setting a range for the ECTS credits awarded for the module (20–25 cr).

Regular study modules (unlike separate study modules) are curriculum-specific. Changes made to one curriculum do not affect the other curricula.


Grouping is a similar but lighter element than a regular study module. It can also be used to bundle study units or other modules together.

Separate study module

Unlike a regular study module, a separate study module may be linked to more than one curriculum at the same time. Any changes made to a separate study module will simultaneously affect all the curricula to which it is linked. At Jamk, separate study modules are used for providing student exchange and elective studies offerings.

Target of evaluation

A study unit can be divided into targets of evaluation on the ‘Study methods’ tab. Examples of targets of evaluation include lectures or intermediate exams. Targets of evaluation are not used at Jamk for the time being.

Learning path

The ‘Learning path’ feature in Peppi can be used for describing the routes within a curriculum to complete the required studies. The term ‘specialisation option’ means more or less the same thing.


A syllabus is used for describing the periods of time during which the study units included in the curriculum are offered. A syllabus can be created separately for each period, semester or academic year. The timetables created in a syllabus serve as a template in the ‘Annual planning’ module in Peppi. At Jamk, syllabuses are prepared separately for each period.


A classification describes ways of classifying the studies included in the curriculum in a manner other than the division into study modules shown in the structure view. Classifications can be used for describing e.g. which studies are required for a specific qualification or which studies in the curriculum are internationalisation studies. New classification templates can only be added by system administrators.

Classifications can be linked to the way how studies are presented in the study guide or other publications of the UAS.