Study modules
A study module is the main element of the curriculum under which the courses included in the module are compiled. A study module can only be created simultaneously with its structure. For advice on how to create a study module, see the instructions for structure.
Descriptions of study modules are used in the service
Please make the description clear, engaging, and understandable.
Use the second person (you) in the description fields.
All descriptions of the study module should be written in both Finnish and English. Finnish descriptions are written in the Finnish fields and English descriptions in the English fields.
In the description of the study module, try to avoid bullet points, but if necessary, use a dash (–). The “slash” / should not be used!
The study module should only contain one type of course: compulsory, optional, or elective courses.
Information of the study module
Name in Finnish and in English
Make a descriptive name for the study module indicating the field of study and the targeted competence.
If a study module is offered to e.g. students of an open university of applied sciences in the service, you must select “opinfi” as the classification.
Select the choice from the drop-down menu that describes if the studies compulsory or not. Choices are: All obligatory, Choose one, Choose n, Choose x credts and Choose by separate criteria.
If all studies are not compulsory, use only the choice ‘Choose by separate criteria’. You cannot use Criteria field if you choose other choices!
Note. If you select the option ‘Choose by separate criteria’, the study module does not include compulsory courses. Compulsory courses should be separated from other courses, for example, by means of grouping (ryhmittely in Finnish).
Count / ECTS credits
If you have selected the option ‘Choose by separate criteria’ in the Optionality section, enter the min/max number of credits that the student must complete in the field.
Note: this field does not appear if you have selected ‘all obligatory’, ‘Choose one’, ‘Choose n’ or ‘Choose x credits’ under Optionality.
Optionality description
Not shown to the student.
Enter the prerequisites here, no references to courses or degrees. If the fulfilment of a certain requirement is a precondition for admission to a university of applied sciences, this is not a prerequisite.
Examples of prerequisites:
- Management of basic marketing information is recommended / required.
- It is recommended that you have basic IT skills.
You have to take a position on the point, i.e. if no prerequisites is required, write e.g. ‘No prior competence is required’.
Learning outcomes
Describe the learning outcomes of the study module according to the ECTS instruction and take account of EQF competence level.
The learning outcomes are to be described in the form of learning outcomes: what will the student be capable of after completing the course? What kind of knowledge and understanding, intellectual skills, practical skills and transferable skills will the student possess after completing the study module? The description is to emphasise what the student will know, understand and can do as a result of the learning process. Write the description using active verbs, such as know, understand, apply, act, analyse, etc.
The learning outcomes are to be derived from the degree programme competences. Consider the competences assigned to the course! The learning outcomes of the study module must be the sum of the learning objectives of the courses included in it, however so that the learning objectives of courses are not directly copied into the study module.
Core content
In the service, the Core content field is the top field of the study module. At the beginning, write the target group for whom the whole is intended. For example, the study module is intended for those of you who are interested in…
After that, describe the principal content of the course; tell the reader precisely and concretely what things, skills etc. they will be studying.
Answer the following questions: What are the principal contents of the study module?
Further information
A free-form field reserved for essential information that is not evident from the description. In the field, you can tell if the study module can be completed by studification and what kind of evaluation material is required to demonstrate the competence.
If there is a need to record comments related to the accreditation, they will be recorded in this field.
Record who is the person responsible for the study module.
The unemployed and other groups are told how they should register so that the education are free of charge for them.