Basic information of implementation
In the implementation basic information, enter details such as the degree programme, location, study language and virtual studies. This information is of relevance for the searches conducted in Peppi, such as a search for implementation plans in different languages. This information is added to the implementation by the education coordinator of the school or another responsible person.
The course name (Finnish/English) and scope in credits are automatically populated from the course and, therefore, MAY NOT be changed!!
In the tags field, the target groups of the implementation are described. Based on the tags, implementations are also searched in the Study Search service and imported into various Peppi reports. Add the ‘Ei opintojaksopalautetta’ tag if necessary.
The tags chosen for the implementation are: ‘Avoin AMK’, ‘CampusOnline’, ‘EduFutura’, ‘ExchangeStudent’, ‘Ei opintojaksopalautetta’, ‘Degree studies’, ‘Continuing education’ or ‘Elective studies’.
Education programme
Populated from the course, if entered. In the common courses of several degree programmes, select on the field only those degree programmes that are implementation applies.
Choose the location offering the implementation from the drop-down menu. NOTE: the field is not filled in if it is a entirely online course.
Study attainment language(s)
Populated from the course. Indicate if the implementation can be completed in a language other than the actual teaching language. Not shown to the student.
Populated from the course, if entered. In the common courses of several degree programmes, select on the field only those curricula that are implementation applies.
Virtual credits
Mark how many ECTS credits will be implemented entirely online.
Spots (min–max)
Indicate how many students will be admitted to the implementation. The minimum can also be zero.
Only degree students and study path students are counted in this amount. Other possible groups will come on top of this.
The minimum capacity is 20.
Note: The number of study places for continuous learning is marked separately in the ‘Further information for students’ field in the description of implementation, for example, as follows:
Open University of Applied Sciences 5
Exchange students 3
The field is not used at this stage at Jamk.
Teaching language(s)
Populated from the course. Leave only one language for the implementation, if the course has several.
From the drop-down menu, select the group(s) that the implementation is intended for.
R&D credits
Indicate if the course involves R&D activities.
The field of the offering will display the separate study modules to which the study unit has been linked. No data may be deleted from the field, and nothing needs to be added to it via implementation.
Attainment specifying type
Populated from the course if entered. The information may not be changed.