Cross-institutional studies
The availability, registrations, cancellations and performance data of higher education institutions’ teaching co-operation networks are automatically transferred through the cross-institutional study service (RIPA) from one higher education institution’s study administration system to another. Currently, RIPA supports the transfer of information between higher education institutions using Peppi (Peppi <-> Peppi), but later there will also be support for the transfer of information from higher education institutions using Sisu (Peppi <-> Sisu).
The cross-institutional study service (RIPA) is not a separate study offering service – instead, studies are allocated in Peppi in accordance with network agreements. For students, RIPA means that students can register for various cross-institutional studies through Peppi’s student pages.
The evaluations are automatically transferred between higher education institutions and displayed directly in the student’s transcript of records.
Subpages of cross-institutional studies
A planner’s instructions
Adding study elements to the cross-institutional study network
Manually adding a network and its duration to a study element
Inheritance of cross-institutional study networks
Adding and removing a course from the network
Adding and removing a separate study module from the network
Adding and removing a study module from the network
Network information and quota groups for implementation
Creating a new implementation, adding and removing an implementation from the network
Searching based on a cross-institutional study network
A teacher’s instructions
Network information on implementation