Making a reservation

  1. Making a reservation
  2. Reservation form
  3. Copying a reservation
  4. Deleting and cancelling reservation
  5. Send message about reservation
  6. Making a mass reservation

1 Making a reservation

1.1 Reserving cars, badminton and equipment

Trade fair supplies, badminton and Jamk’s vehicles can be borrowed by all. The units’ borrowable equipment are named as a separate type. The names of borrowable equipment indicate the unit to which the equipment belongs. Equipment can only be borrowed by persons who belong to the unit concerned. Trade fair supplies, Jamk’s vehicles and the unit’s own cars and equipment are reserved the same way as rooms.

You can find information about the equipment when you put mouse on top of the name of equipment.

1.2 Reservation information

The procedure explained below applies to all reservations except those related to teaching.

  1. Choose Resource planning and Reservations in Peppi. Then click Open my own calendar button.
  2. In the Rooms field, select the desired room or the unit’s borrowable equipment. To select the room, start typing the first characters of the room name or code. You can also click the Search rooms button to open a search window where you can search for a room with specific criteria or browse the rooms by office. Click here for more detailed instructions on how to use the ‘Search rooms’ button.
  3. Select the persons to be assigned. Add yourself if you participate in the reservation (an entry will then be added to your e-mail calendar).
  4. Click on a suitable date and time in the calendar at which the newly selected resources (room + person) have non-booked time available in their calendar.
    1. Reservation cannot be made in the past.
    2. Reservation cannot be made if the room concerned has already been reserved.
    3. The selected persons can have overlapping reservations. The system will display an error message if such reservations exist.
    4. A reservation form is displayed where you can check the details of the reservation. When you are done, click OK to save the reservation. Note that in this view, the appearance of the reservation form has been simplified by removing all the fields that pertain to teaching. The form is otherwise the same. Any reservations made in this view are directly public, i.e. they need not be separately published afterwards.

1.3 Editing a reservation

To edit your reservation afterwards, click the desired reservation. In the new reservation window that appears, select the Edit button. The reservation form is then displayed where you can edit the fields you want. When you are done, save the reservation. If you have made the reservation as a recurring reservation and you want to edit all the occurrences, click Edit all repetitions.

As a default the end time of a reservation doesn’t change if you change the starting time. If you want to keep the duration of the reservation although the starting time changes click calendar’s Settings button and tick Keep reservations duration. If you want to drag your reservation to other time choose Allow moving of all reservations. If you don´t have rights to edit reservations you can´t do this.

Only the course timetable creators, reception service and system administrators can edit reservations made by other users.

2 Reservation form

The information to be completed in the reservation form varies slightly depending on whether you are making a reservation using the Open my own calendar or the Plan and make teaching reservations feature. In the latter option, the form also includes fields related to teaching (implementations, groups) and publishing of reservations.

Note! If you are unauthorised to reserve the room concerned, you will be able to enter a reservation on the reservation form, but you will not be able to save it. When you try to save the form, the system will notify you that you do not have the right to make the reservation and no reservation will be made. If you are not authorised to make a reservation, this is indicated by a closed lock icon next to the room name:

Lock means you don´t have right to make a reservation
Reservation form

1. Reservation status – defines whether the reservation is a

  • Draft (only displayed to planners)
  • Suggestion (displayed to planners and teachers)
  • Published (displayed to all users)

Only course timetable creators are authorised to define different statuses for reservations. The reservations made by other users will be public immediately.

2. Topic – defines a title for the reservation

3. Time (begins–ends) – the start and end time of an individual reservation. If you see only date just click the date column so you can set and edit beginning and ending time.

4. Repetition – you can set the reservation as recurring e.g. for several weeks or successive days

Repetition form

5. Resources – classroom and/or equipment, select the room name/code or use the Search rooms feature if applicable by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. Click here to read more about how to find an available room

  • External room: if your reservation is for a room other than those booked via Peppi´s classroom reservation – you can set the actual location here by ticking External room in the reservation form. You can use external room if contact is being held online. You can reserve multiple external rooms at several times in case virtual rooms are booked.
  • In the Topic field, you can type the address. In the Map link or other www address field, you can specify an exact link to the location.
Choose external room

6. Reserved to persons = the person in charge of the reservation (the person for whom the reservation has been made – this is not the same as the person who made/saved the reservation)

  • Your own name is automatically added in the field but if you want you can remove it or you can add someone else´s name if you’re doing a reservation for somebody else.
  • These persons are authorised to edit the reservation the same way as the person who made the reservation (the one who originally saved the reservation) and edited the reservation if they are authorised to reserve the room concerned.
  • The reservation moves to the Outlook calendar if the person concerned has enabled the synchronisation of reservations. Click here for further information about Outlook synchronisation settings.

7. Other participants – select the other persons this reservation pertains to.

  • Participants are not authorised to edit the reservation.
  • In other regards, a participant means the same things as reserved to a person.

8. Cost center – populated automatically, but can also be corrected manually if the suggested cost centre is incorrect.

9. Additional information of the reservation

  • In External participants, you can add persons outside of the organisation (their e-mail addresses), in which case they will receive a calendar invitation in their e-mail. Be sure to type the address correctly. Enter one person per row in the format John Doe
  • Note! When you add persons to External participants, enter only one person in the Reserved to persons field. The external participants will see this person as the invitation sender. If multiple persons have been entered in the Reserved to persons field, external participants may receive several calendar invitations.
  • The Price field displays the price list used for the room concerned.

Remember to publish the reservations, either one by one from the reservation form or by using mass edit.

3 Copying a reservation

You can copy individual reservations. Copying a recurring reservation is not possible.
To copy a reservation:

  • Switch to the calendar view and search for the desired reservation.
    • You can do this either in the Plan and make teaching reservations or in the Open my own calendar view.
  • Click the icon in the top-left corner to select the reservation to be copied.
  • From the menu, select Copy.
Copy a reservation
  • Click to select the item(s) to which you want to copy the reservation.
    • You can scroll forward one week at a time
    • You can copy the reservation several times
    • You can define the duration of the reservation by highlighting the desired area (in the picture, the light blue box at Friday is a copied reservation)
  • To exit the copying of a reservation, click Cancel copying (the button can be found in the top right corner above the calendar)
Stop copying

4 Deleting and cancelling a reservation

You can delete or cancel a reservation if:

  • you are authorised to normally edit the reservation
  • the reservation is in the future (historical reservations cannot be edited)

Here, deleting and cancelling a reservation mean the same thing. Semantically, the difference between them is that a message can be sent to students when a reservation is deleted, so from the student’s point of view, this means that the reservation is cancelled.

1. To delete a reservation, click on a reservation in the calendar, and in the window that appears, click Delete.

2. A new widow will open, in which you are requested to confirm the deletion of the reservation.

  • In case of a recurring reservation, the reservation for the current day is deleted by default. If applicable, tick the boxes to select the occurrences the deletion pertains to.
Delete reservation

3. In the deletion form, you will be asked whether you want to send a deletion notification to students but this is not in use. If you want to send message from the cancelled reservation, use first Send message function. Then delete the reservation. Instructions for sending a message is in section 5.

5 Send message about the reservation

You can forward the details of the reservation you made to selected persons.
To send the message:

  • Switch to the calendar view and search for the desired reservation.
    • You can do this either in the Plan and make teaching reservations or in the Make other reservations view.
  • Click the icon in the top-left corner to select the reservation to be copied.
  • From the menu, select Send message about the reservation.

You can edit the topic and content of the message. You can send the message to in-house staff or external persons.

6 Making a mass reservation

6.1 Making a reservation for several rooms in one go

If you are sure that the rooms you reserved are available at the desired time, you can simply enter the rooms you want in the Rooms field and click open the reservation form in the calendar. If a specific room is unavailable at the desired time, the system notifies you and does not make a reservation for that room.

You can also make the reservation through free / busy search:

Choose multiple rooms in free and busy search
  • Fill out the reservation form and click OK
Multiple rooms in reservation form

6.2 Making a recurring mass reservation

For example, if you are making a big event reservation where you will need the same rooms and equipment during several consecutive days but at different times, make the reservation as a recurring reservation. Select the desired rooms, and then select the date on which the reservation starts and click the reservation button to make the reservation. In the reservation window that opens, fill out the reservation details in the usual manner, but click the Repeating reservation button. You can also make a reservation without specifying any rooms and add the rooms afterwards.

  • In the Type of repetition field, select daily as the recurrence option.
  • In the Repeat by field, select as many recurrences as there are days in the reservation.
  • Click Save

The reservation will now be repeated in the manner you chose, and you can edit the entire reservation at the same time or a specific day. Select the reservation, and then select the edit or edit recurrences feature.

The Edit button will only edit the day concerned. Click the Edit all repetitions button to proceed to a new view where you can add days, change time, and add or delete rooms.

Reservation mass editing

You can also edit a reservation afterwards from the other calendar views. To do so, click the gear icon and select Mass edit. Click here for further information on the mass management of reservations.